Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 8 2011 ~ Update 4pm

What a last few days its been.. our morning started about 3am with them removing the gi tube from his nose. Korbin had his scopes down this morning.. the scoped both upper and lower.  the lineing of his colon looks GREAT no tears or thinning. However Korbin under went a 5 hour moitlity study where he had 36 sensors placed up in his colon.   This showed that Korbin has a " Mega Colon" which means Korbins Colon is the size of an adult!  It is very streched out both vertical and horizontail due to the constipation. It also showed about a foot of Korbins lower colon is not working at all! This is where most of the costipation is taking place.  We will meet withthe surgon at 9:30 tomrorrow morning (wednesday) where we will come up with a date and time for them to the placement surgery.  Which they will put a tube in his lower colon  and focrce liquid into it everyday, like we had talked before. If this dont work, then they will  go in after a year and remove that section of the colon. Korbin is very tired tonight...please pray that he continues to do well with doc staff... he really took to this one nurse yesterday and today.. he even told her... " see ya later hot stuff"  lolololol  so on that note we are going to play.. this ronald mc donald house is amazing.. i been trying to up load pictures but having trouble... thank you all so much for youtr  support ill post again tomorrow after we meet with surgons... <3

This was Korbins Favorite Nurse Sarah... when we left he said.. " see ya later hot stuff"   :)