Friday, May 18, 2012

hey i am trying to figure out how often i should post... So could you please email me and let me know real simple if you still watch post and how often you check once a week, once a month or once every 2 months just so i can have an idea how often to post...

We will be heading to milwaukee june 3 for check up and some tests...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Korbin Christmas Morning in hospital

Mommy and Korbin Easter Sunday

Korbin was named hero of the week for website

Mommy and Korbin at Autism walk April 14, 2012

Mommy, Korbin and Captives Set Free Band at Autism walk
Can I just say its been kinda nice not having to write here for almost a month. However I bet some of you are wondering how lil man is doing.  He is actaully doing well, he has returned to school full time, where his lil classmates are so glad to have him back! We are still doing nightly treatments where he has to sit on the potty for an hour, however he really does good with it. On april 14, 2012 we had an autism walk for our community, I am the one who planned it and Korbin was so very excited about it. We had about 250 people show up on the rainy day to walk with us. We were able to raise $3000.00!! Just so very excited about that! Korbin is truly ready to be done with school and just be home and relax, I think that he gets way overstimulated at school. but he just keeps pluggin away! He is such an amazing lil boy!  We will return to Milwaukee June 4 where it will be his 3 month no surgeries check up. Really excited to see if the treatments been working, they will do xray and studys to see if his colon is trying to wake up. They have determined that he has a sleeepy sluggish colon. Just wanted thank you for praying for us and thinking of us over this lengthy time!