Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Well it's been a long weekend korbin got full of poop so we ended up going tO
Burlington ER where he was given medicine to help him go. He says his button hurts
But he seems happy we got tO go to church on Sunday then tacos with my family
And that was enough for him he was soooooo tired he has been resting pretty well at night
My little sister Molly and her family have been here this weekend helping me and what a huge help they have been! Korbin is going to try to return to school today, yes I'm a nervous reck but his teacher Is amazing so that settles me some
We will return to Milwaukee next week and learn how to use his button I'm ready to use it so he can finally feel good! Please pray that he don't get full between now and then
Thank u for all u do for us'

Friday, February 18, 2011

Not so great morning

Korbin is in ALOT ALOT of pain this morning... Please say an extra lil prayer for him! thanks!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Offically home!

We are offically home. korbin is sore and stiff but very happy to be back home! We have to go back up March 2nd and they will teach me how to use korbins new button..  Trying to make some plans so Korb can see the swensons that weekend.. so please pray that we will be able to do that also! :)  Just  want take a moment.. and thank you so much for your prayers... support... cards.. gifts.. phone calls.. emails.. and facebook messages.. they were all such a huge support for both of us! We are truly greatful to have friends like you!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sat Feb 12, 2011 ~ Out of Hospital

Hello~ Korbie  is doing very well. Very sore, but in good spirts!  He would like his button off but he knows he needs it. He is kinda understanding that his body needs the "button"  We have to stay at ronald mc donald house until monday, IF the swelling is down... then we get to head home.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update~Thursday feb 10 ~ 8:45pm

Well we had a fun couple hours at the childrens muesum today.  Then Kobin got to do Art therpy which was really fun!  He made alot of different pictures and a necklace. Family Dinner time was a blast.. he really likes that! So tomorrow is his surgery. We have to be there at 9AM, his surgery is at 10:45AM it should take about 2 hours.   He will have 3 cuts... and the button will go through his appendix... anyone who wants to text the cell around 11 is more than welcome too...
Good morning korbin is headed on a field trip with some of the other children staying here to the childrens muesuem he is so very excited

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Update as of Feb 9 2011 ~ 4pm

We met with the surgon this morning. Korbin will go in for surgery Friday at 9am.
He will have a "button" placed in through his apendix. We will use this to force liquids down through his colon to keep his colon cleaned out.  The last foot and a half of his colon does not work at all.  He was given a pass to go to the zoo today from his dr. what a surprise that was for him. we had a good time.. very cold.. but a really good time... this evneing and tomorrow we will just hang around the Ronald Mc Donald house and Then friday we will head across the street for surgery.  He has been so brave and such a trooper i am so VERY VERY proud of him. he will be in the hospital 2-3 days... We will be in Milwaukee until at least Tuesday.  We have met some truly amazing people, makes us miss are wonderful family and friends back home.  Please pray for the other families we have met too... MEME ( 2 yrs old, open heart surgery today) and Baily ( 2 weeks old, stomach was clear up in her chest had surgery and recovering now)
I have had such a chance to share my faith while I been here. Its been a good oppourtiunity for me, even tho I am tired and weary God keeps His hand up on me and contiunes to help us through. And I m soooo blessed!
RonAld mc Donald house
C/o korbin Swenson
8948 watertown plank rd
Milwaukee wi 53226

We will be here till Monday

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 8 2011 ~ Update 4pm

What a last few days its been.. our morning started about 3am with them removing the gi tube from his nose. Korbin had his scopes down this morning.. the scoped both upper and lower.  the lineing of his colon looks GREAT no tears or thinning. However Korbin under went a 5 hour moitlity study where he had 36 sensors placed up in his colon.   This showed that Korbin has a " Mega Colon" which means Korbins Colon is the size of an adult!  It is very streched out both vertical and horizontail due to the constipation. It also showed about a foot of Korbins lower colon is not working at all! This is where most of the costipation is taking place.  We will meet withthe surgon at 9:30 tomrorrow morning (wednesday) where we will come up with a date and time for them to the placement surgery.  Which they will put a tube in his lower colon  and focrce liquid into it everyday, like we had talked before. If this dont work, then they will  go in after a year and remove that section of the colon. Korbin is very tired tonight...please pray that he continues to do well with doc staff... he really took to this one nurse yesterday and today.. he even told her... " see ya later hot stuff"  lolololol  so on that note we are going to play.. this ronald mc donald house is amazing.. i been trying to up load pictures but having trouble... thank you all so much for youtr  support ill post again tomorrow after we meet with surgons... <3

This was Korbins Favorite Nurse Sarah... when we left he said.. " see ya later hot stuff"   :)
Korbin is out of surgery and doing his 5 hhour picture study
Korbin is in getting his scopes and biopsies done now

Monday, February 7, 2011

Korbin is doing well. Has had a very big day they placed a tube down his nose to his stomach to force golyte into the bowls to force out the poop
He has truly been a trooper! In the morning they will scope him from both ends and do biopsy's and then place a sensor in his rectum and monitor that for 5 hrs those 5 hrs he will not be able to get out of bed. He had a wonderful nurse today name Sara she was absolute amazing! His room is on the 11th floor what a view of the city ! Thank u for ur prayers '

MAde it

We mAde it safe. Korbin is frustrad with how hard the bed is lol
Lol. It's a beautiful
Place. Very big 3 floors! I'll update more
Tomorrow after doc appt @ 9. The hospital is straight across the street !

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feb. 5 2010

Its been a busy morning already. Korbin has been up since 4:30AM! He  got really quiet a little while ago so I went looking for him.  He is my favorite lil stinker! He dumped the whole suitcase out and was "hiding" in the suitcase. If he could have figured out how to zip it to really hide from mommy, he would have. :)
He told me a story this morning about a king and his castle. He has never been able to tell me a story I was very excited for him to tell me.  He knows we leave for Milwaukee tomorrow, he asked if we could take the airplane, I told him no mommys suitcase is to big.. he says.. " oh i see" LOL  cracks me up.. he is really focused today!!! :)  Please say a lil prayer today for mommys nervous.. my stomach has been in quite the knots this morning.. Then pray for korb has he has no idea as to what his little body is going to go through.  We serve a Mighty God!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Feb. 4, 2011

Its been a rough week for Korbin, his bowls are so full he has been throwing up.  I am ready for this trip, nervous, but I am ready for Korb to feel better.  He has a new passion this week, his "tent" he spends ALOT of time in there this week. Very comforting for him.  Please pray for Korb that his nervous will be calm as he meets the doc and as they place the tube down his nose, he will not be put to sleep for this part of it.  Also the dr called yesterday and they have decided to do one more test on Tuesday morning, where they will place a sensor tube ( he will be put to sleep for this part) in Korbin and watch it for 5 hours, ( will slowly wake up for this part) they will have him eat a high fat diet and watch the sensors. pray for comfort for him.  I will keep you posted as I know more! thank you so much for your love and prayers!