Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Its so real in my mind, seems just like yesterday... But Its been 3 years since I came so close to losing Korbin, I cant seem to shake the images out of my head. . . This time of year has been a little hard for me... I am learning to deal with it a little better, and I just keep trying to live each day to the very fullest!! I am so very blessed that I get to have Korbie at home even tho we have to do the hook up treatments every night, I try so hard not to complain about th...em. It could be a different ball game. Korb has come a loooooooong way! I am so proud of him in so many ways!! He is so eager to learn and try new stuff ( expect food) ... Its been emotional day (maybe next couple days) as I truly reflect on my blessings and i am truly so grateful what Our Heavenly Father has blessed me with, and the shoes he has allowed me to walk in, even tho they have given me blisters and I have wanted to take them off and try the pretty ones on, he brings me back to "my perfect fit" well worn shoes and guides me, holds my hand and blesses me and shows me amazing new things and how to coach/parent/nurse Korbin.. Yes we been through a lot... but I cant wait to see what the future holds!!!!